Providing 24/7 mobile locksmith service in Peoria, AZ! Call (602) 635-7370.
Why choose Phoenix Lockmaster?
- No extra charge for after hours calls
- We respond in 15 minutes or less
- Prices are quoted up-front
- We’re rated “A” by the Better Business Bureau
- Also specialize in installing home security alarm systems and cameras.
Proudly Serving Peoria, AZ
In 2008, Money Magazine named Peoria one of its “Top 100 Places to Live”. This came as no surprise to many Peoria residents, who know first-hand the attractions the area has to offer:
- Baseball fans can enjoy spring training games, as both the San Diego Padres and the Seattle Mariners train at the Peoria Sports Complex.
- The Peoria Center for the Performing Arts offers a variety of plays, musicals, and music performances.
- Lake Pleasant and a half dozen mountains provide great opportunities for outdoor recreation and activities.
- Anyone who hates cold weather will appreciate Peoria’s warm winters, where the average high never drops below 66F.