From careening along freeways trailed by police sirens in hot pursuit to instigating dramatic shootouts at 90 miles-per-hour, the public fascination with high-speed car chases is taking online media on a joyride. In fact, millions of viewers constantly log onto YouTube in search of the most exhilarating, suspenseful and climactic chase sequences across the web.
If screeching wheels and accelerated action make you feel like you’re in the driver’s seat, check out this infographic for a comprehensive ranking of which YouTube channels, videos and raw footage deliver the pulse-pounding thrills that all you car chase enthusiasts crave!

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By Rocco Msing May 12, 2016 - 6:24 am
Very much informative post. And the info-graphic looks cool. But, dear Admin, why there is no direct link to the YouTube ? 🙁