Category Archives: Blog
Knock! Knock! Enviable Decorative Door Knockers
Your neighbor’s got it all, right? The house, the car, the entertainment center, the yard – all the stuff that spells success and strikes envy deep in your heart. But what about his door knocker? Is it up to snuff? … Continue reading
Ocean’s Eleven Style Casino Robbery at the Crown Casino
In a story seemingly taken from the screenplay of Ocean’s Eleven, Australia’s largest casino, the Crown Casino in Melbourne, was recently the victim of a $32 million robbery carried out by a foreign player, a casino employee and other possible … Continue reading
Choosing the Best Security System for Your Car
For most of us, our cars are a vital part of our lives. They are our means of getting to work, the grocery store, the movies, a friend’s house, and so forth. A car also represents a significant financial investment. … Continue reading
26 Ways to Ensure You’ll Never Need Another Locksmith
Getting locked out of your house or apartment is a frustrating experience, and calling a locksmith costs valuable time and money. Here’s a guide to help you be sure you don’t have to hire one every time you find yourself … Continue reading
Some Sneaky Tips from Burglars
Many people are either oblivious to the very real threat of home burglary or choose to believe that it will never happen to them or that their homes are somehow burglar-proof. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that home burglary is … Continue reading
Ways NOT to Choose a Password or PIN Number
There’s a myth that “password” is the most commonly used password and that you should never use “password” or someone will easily guess your password. Your bank account, your kids’ college tuition, and your retirement will all vanish in the … Continue reading
Booby Trapping for Thieves – What’s Legal, What Will Send You to Prison
We’ve all heard about a robbery on the news or maybe from a friend or neighbor who had his home burglarized. You want to protect your own place, but maybe a professional home security system isn’t for you. Perhaps the … Continue reading
The Battle of Athens and the Locked Ballot Box
Throughout the last two and a half centuries of the United States of America’s existence, one particular aspect of government of the people, by the people, and for the people has remained crucial: secure, fair, and free elections. While this … Continue reading
Safe-Cracking Movies; 3-7-1-2 of Them
Safecracking is a highly-skilled job that involves getting into a safe without access to either the combination or the key, usually for illegal reasons. Certain methods are used so as to not harm the safe and ensure the removal of … Continue reading