We’ve all heard about a robbery on the news or maybe from a friend or neighbor who had his home burglarized. You want to protect your own place, but maybe a professional home security system isn’t for you. Perhaps the cost is a detractor, or maybe the idea of some stranger invading your privacy in the name of protection doesn’t make you feel any more at ease. So what do you do? Some people opt for homemade booby traps that are designed to harm or kill an intruder. The problem with such traps is that, if they work, you could go to jail. Here are some legal options to try and some options you will want to avoid.
What To Do
DIY Home Security – You can find fairly inexpensive DIY kits online, or you can come up with your own. Turn your computer and a web camera into a surveillance station. Install motion lights outside. Rig your home with lights, security cameras, or alarms. If you like animals, find a good guard dog that will dissuade burglars. (Even if you don’t have a dog, an alarm such as the “Electronic Watchdog” that sounds like a dog’s angry bark could work as well.)
Pepper Sprays – Unlike alarms that sound a siren or some other loud noise, when triggered, these alarms will spray the would-be thief in the face with pepper spray, which affects their eyes, nose, and throat. They’ll think twice about robbing you as they run away screaming. And because it is non-lethal, it is perfectly safe and legal to use. “The Terminator” and the “OC Intruder Buster” are two alarms that can be activated by either voltage or a trip wire.
Silent Alarm – This alarm will call you on your cell phone when it detects body heat or motion and allows you to hear what is going on inside your home. This alerts you, not the burglar, and you can call for the police without the thief knowing (hopefully) until it’s too late.
What Not To Do
Shotguns – Whatever you do, don’t rig a trap involving guns. In 1990, a guy in Colorado got tired of break-ins to his warehouse and attached shotguns to trip wires as a precaution. However, the trap ended up killing a would-be thief and the business owner was charged and found guilty of manslaughter and later forced to compensate the dead burglar’s family. In 2006, another warehouse owner, this time in England, had a friend build him an alarm with shotguns that wounded a young kid who broke in and tried to steal the alarm device.
Knives – Then there was the guy from New York who taped a kitchen knife to a crutch and rigged it above a doorway to swing down when the door opened. He left it up, even when a Verizon technician was scheduled to come.
Nominate yourself for a Darwin Award – A 79-year-old man from Belgium won a Darwin Award when he booby trapped his entire house with shotguns and an exploding crate of beer. He wanted to kill off his family but ended up killing himself instead while he was trying to set up yet another trap.
Though the old “Home Alone” movies make it seem like using booby traps can be a good way to catch crooks, in real life it’s generally better (and more legal) to forgo trying to “MacGyver” things and rather use safe, non-lethal and less dangerous methods to deter burglars.
By sickOf beingRobbed June 2, 2013 - 2:59 am
so what are we law abiding citizens supposed to do? what are they doing in someone elses place to begin with? if someone breaks into a place then he should get whats coming to him in the form of a boobytrap with bungy sticks, barbed wire or electricity.. seems like the system wants crime to happen…
By admin June 10, 2013 - 10:54 pm
While the sentiment is appreciated, the fact remains that the system will send you to jail if you do malicious harm to property vandals and thieves. We always recommend that those with loved ones who need them to be around on a permanent basis take every precaution not to land in jail alongside the perpetrator into whose leg he frustratingly jammed an ice pick.
By Brian holmes December 21, 2018 - 8:07 pm
Your an idiot, if someone breaks into my home I’m killing them with no questions asked and it is considered self defense in my great state. I have the right to protect my possessions and my loved ones with lethal force, so any burglar will definitely die in my house. That’s why I’ll never live in California because everyone out there is an idiot, your home is your castle, yet they don’t alow you to protect it and that’s why there’s ten times more crimes out there than there is in other states where law abiding citizens can defend themselves. Guns In the right hands save lives, assholes deserve to die, no criminal should have rights, except for the right to die for their crime.
By Joyce Logue Bruhn July 9, 2020 - 10:20 pm
i have an apartment and someone is coming in and taking my stuff then bringing it back three weeks later i am pissed i changed locks like nine times i just cant get any justice my life has been ruined i need to disappear
By Evan September 4, 2020 - 3:11 am
Yes, well that is in your home. If you are prepared to say you feared for your life and shot the intruder inside your home, you will probably be fine. But when it comes to outside your home, things get a lot more gray really quickly. It isn’t what we think should be the case, but what will actually happen. Regardless of your feelings about it, if you harm or kill someone who is not actually inside your house, you will probably be charged. And you may also face a lawsuit from the victim, who may actually win. Not what you might like, but it is facts.
By Liam September 6, 2020 - 5:51 pm
Your state is saying you have castle doctrine and possibly stand your ground laws, as does mine. That means YOU can do what’s neccassary to stop someone. Boo hgrapz are by design made to work without an operator, which indicates a lack of discrimination as to who gets but, which actually does indicate a psycopathic personality. I’m against the laws because they don’t discriminate, they treat ALL boobytraps the same. A net or milk thieves trap isn’t a Claymore, and they should t be under the same law. A judge obviously has wiggle room past minimum guidelines, but the minimum must be satisfied. Trust me, no matter which state it is, boobytraps are HIGHLY illegal. You will get treated exactly as if you committed murder 1 or especially aggravated assault depending if they live or die, and if an innocent gets injured or we o rsd you might as well roll it up. The family will own you forever
By jomama June 28, 2014 - 2:41 am
you could call the cops..oh wait they are the bad guys hhmmm remember that thief that slipped and fell of the familys roof while trying to break in? He successfully sued the family for his injurys. long story short, when the laws take away the ability to protect yourself only the criminals will have the means too. Welcome to Amerika
By bob July 15, 2015 - 8:30 am
children dude. children.
By Liberals are why we are drowning March 15, 2017 - 9:25 am
I am all for booby traps that can & will injure theives! It’s a long time coming that we give property owners the power to protect what belongs to them! 99.9% of the time these kind of criminals are never caught & it’s really time we start rethinking what is justified! People are living payday to payday in these corrupt titmes & thieves like this can mean the difference between putting food on your table & not paying a power bill !
If times get much tougher it’s going to mean life or death, why can’t we defend ourselves anymore? I mean seriously, it’s practically illegal to shoot someone when they are in the middle of a home invasion! These corrupt prosecutors want to charge you for killing someone just for protecting yourself and your family. THIS MUST STOP, (((NOW)))!
By Jason July 22, 2018 - 12:13 am
It’s both illegal and wrong, because the booby trap is a disproportional response to the crime. I heard of a farmer who strung wire across a trail to stop dirtbikers from trespassing, and he killed a kid. Applying lethal force to combat mischief is a good example of why booby trapping is often illegal and ethically/morally wrong.
By Paul, Ma December 23, 2021 - 1:33 pm
Wire or chain across a farm road or trail is no booby trap. IF one were to frequent farm and mountain you will find rope or chain or heavy wire strung across dirt road or trails … usually with a sign hanging that advises things like no access…private property no trespassing…private property no hunting…. It happens, and it is a shame that juveniles think it is ok to trespass….and tear up other peoples property…… but bozos beware…no tears here.
By Ben July 25, 2019 - 12:16 am
The system of crime and punishment is a trillion dollar annually income. Of course they want crime to happen because they get paid for it while you’re losing.
By Bob Johnson December 1, 2019 - 11:38 am
I agree. As far as pepper spray, that might merely just piss off the would-be burglar/vandal to the point that next time I leave my house, I might be in more danger.
Motion sensors, lights, webcams, computers, alarms (including silent) all add up and isn’t as cheap as some may say it is. For those of us who don’t make a lot of money and hardly have much extra money (if any at all) in our budget, we don’t have much choice. I agree also – what is the person doing there in the first place? A burglar/intruder is almost always (if not always) not welcome. And at times, the burglar/intruder is armed. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to defend my home when the burglar/intruder was prepared to kill me in case I was home? If you know you are not welcome somewhere, then don’t go/be there. The System truly does seem to want crime.
By Samuel Bird September 16, 2022 - 12:44 am
I am an older person.It seems to me that homeowners should have the right to protect hearth and home. These same thieves can kill you and.somehow that s okay in someone’s warped idea of cosmic values.. All this does is to bring about anarchy . and distrust of government. I will still pray to G_d and read the Bible even if it becomes illegal. I will still protect myself and my property even if it’s illegal ..I will adhere to the laws of my country except when they interfere with G_ds laws . God s laws supercede man s laws. In G_d I trust . Shalom Samuel
By Michael December 8, 2013 - 4:17 pm
I had my car burglarized, then when they couldn’t find anything to steal they torched it. It was the only transportation me and my wife had. An immaculate vehicle that we busted our backs to buy, pay for and maintain just to be taken away by some sicko’s who were not taught to respect other peoples property. They will be caught and dealt with by the law. Minimum sentence for arson with small children in the neighbourhood is 25 years. They best hide because what goes round comes round.
By Steve May 16, 2014 - 1:20 am
Tho salt no steal. period!!!! No matter what the punishment, judgement day shall come+
By general May 18, 2014 - 4:10 am
good ideas very helpfull
By Go Here July 17, 2014 - 11:20 pm
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By Micky Schmultz March 3, 2016 - 6:53 pm
Burglary, is a risky business at best. If a would be thief knew that he or she was risking their lives to do it. They may reconsider.
In my opinion, the only good thief is a dead thief. Have them stuffed & on display. Make a difference!
By Varangian September 1, 2016 - 7:41 pm
If you live in a state with the Castle Doctrine law, you will not be prosecuted for harming an intruder.
By Janelle Trujillo October 10, 2016 - 4:11 am
That’s why I appreciate living in Colorado. Even if an intruder manages to make it into your home, Colorado has the “Make My Day” law. Arming your house with surveillance is the best way to go but it’s important to simply arm yourself as well if nothing else deters an intruder.
By Liberals are why we are drowning March 15, 2017 - 9:24 am
I am all for booby traps that can & will injure theives! It’s a long time coming that we give property owners the power to protect what belongs to them! 99.9% of the time these kind of criminals are never caught & it’s really time we start rethinking what is justified! People are living payday to payday in these corrupt times & thieves like this can mean the difference between putting food on your table & not paying a power bill !
If times get much tougher it’s going to mean life or death, why can’t we defend ourselves anymore? I mean seriously, it’s practically illegal to shoot someone when they are in the middle of a home invasion! These corrupt prosecutors want to charge you for killing someone just for protecting yourself and your family. THIS MUST STOP, (((NOW)))!
By Daniel Burdette October 5, 2017 - 3:18 pm
I’ll booby trap the hell out of my property with trip wires,etc. And if I come home to find a mortally wounded POS who tried to rob me, no problem. I have a nice chunk of land adjacent to other nice sized parcels and can dig a hole pretty quickly and bury the turd. If that ain’t enough, we have gators down here that would appreciate a tasty meal. These scumbags have been warned. Trespass on my property in an attempt to steal from me and see where it gets you.
By Mike preacher February 19, 2018 - 2:44 am
15 minutes is 14 minutes too long! I have a shotgun!
By Gregory August 17, 2018 - 7:34 am
If warnings and mock ups are not deterring a persistent invader , what other choices do you have when you’re on a limited income?
Unfortunately , lethal traps seem to be the only viable alternative.
They have been warned with postings” enter at your own risk”.
By Donna Carter February 22, 2019 - 10:56 pm
I have a neighbor who has destroyed my roof and is coming into my home the police won’t help and the guy will not stop. I have put cameras up on my roof but somehow he has managed to avoid them. He has done more than $50,000 worth of damage to my roof alone. Destroyed a slate roof, two brick chimneys, 30′ parapet wall, siding on the building; put dead animals on my porch and the Chicago police will do nothing. I am 64 years old and am terrified. What can I do to stop this crazy son of a bitch. He accessing my house by using the stairwell of a neighbor and roof hops to get to my house. He has come in my home whenever he wants. I need to booby trap the window that he comes through. I am ready to take drastic action it has been going on for more than 10 years. Help!
By Larry C May 1, 2019 - 5:54 pm
Whenever there is a burglary called in the cops usually come to investigate if you call them.
By Leland Cramer August 27, 2019 - 8:34 pm
i have been robbed for over2 two decades by the local cops aiding a pet thief and my hands are tied what do you suggest when the whole corrupt government is in on stealing your property
By Mimi April 8, 2020 - 3:15 am
Hello, the whole thing is going well here and ofcourse every one is sharing information, that’s actually fine, keep up
By Doubleohdave July 5, 2020 - 8:41 pm
A crackhead monkey junkie lives two doors down. It keeps sneaking in my back yard at night to smoke crack. Id love to tar and feather that monkey, or mutilate its face with a bird shot.
By Doubleohdave July 5, 2020 - 8:45 pm
Im sitting out tonight with the garden hose. Spray it then dump a bag of all purpose flour on it.
By Smokin geoff December 1, 2020 - 7:10 am
If someone breaks into my shit, that mother ducker is gonna wish he didn’t break into my shit. I’ll beat him in the head with my 1982 Louisville slugger. Split that skull wide open and then pour some type of hydrochloride acid substance on his fuckin balls till they dissolve. Than I’d pull out my big fuckin prick and piss on his exposed cranium.. rob me mother fucker !!
8===D. That cock is for all you scumfuck robbers.
By Chris December 17, 2020 - 7:59 pm
I not only believe in cutting off a thiefs finger each time, but adamantly for causing harm. Theft in general is horrid, but so many ‘thefts’ go way above and beyond, viciously hurting those victimized. I.e. Home invasions/burglaries, YOU DAMN WELL BET THEY DESERVE TO BE HURT OR KILLED. Do society a favor and put an end to the thief from continuing to terrorize society!
Defense systems in place in which HURT, HARM AND/OR KILL should be the norm rather than the rare exception. Government supports & encourages theft & crime [with too lenient of consequences, and more often than not, failing to apply or enforce the law and hold criminal thief’s accountable]. We as a society need to ‘RE-condition ourselves to be INtollerant of thieves and their thieving!
And when you really want to fight back, ‘punish’ a thief and possibly even cause them to stop their thieving career, BOOBY TRAPPED BAIT!
examples: release of sprays/liquids from high pressure spray bottles (diy homemade) with a tire valve & air compressor, google/youtube the topic;
Concentrated Sulfuric Acid; DIY Pepper Spray (my own idea) from boiled & blended habaneros; and other chemical agents;
Explosives: speaks for itself and easier and more readily available than people might realize, i.e. (do not do this, very unstable and dangerous, but most have the primary ingredients to a high explosive in their bathroom… Acetone & Hydrogen Peroxide produce TATP (but very sensitive and unstable, very dangerous explosive to be avoided);
Electronic/Electric things like Cattle Prods, Tasers, Stun Guns, etc.
Want to be proactive? Leave ‘bait cars’, bait packages, etc. out in public in order to take a thief off the street!
A thiefs victims would best explain it.. Thieves LIKE TO HURT OTHERS [and usually in very severe, egregious, malicious, vicious, and substantially life impacting ways… And this victim believes in being RECIPROCATION… that’s RIGHT, RECIPROCATION, and thus my intent concerning thieves is to HURT THEM and hurt them as bad as I can [until such time that they change their ways].
Oh, almost forgot, Flame Throwers – did you know Powdered Coffee Creamer actually makes a massive flame thrower?
All the AMAZING ways and things that can be done with ‘fire extinguishers! Get a few decent [small] commercial fire extinguishers that can be opened siimply by unscrewing [via turning] the neck/nozzle assembly. And then add a Schrader Valve (tire air valve). You now have awesome, high power, high volume, long range, ‘spray’ containers which make great weapons and self defense items!!
Lastly, you can never have enough cameras! I’m a huge fan of Blue Iris and IP Cameras; cell phones using a Background Video Recorder app while sitting in a shirt pocket or on a belt clip lllllllllllholster…
By DiiSegreti January 12, 2021 - 7:38 pm
Where as I see the argument of lethal force against criminal mischief I gail to see how you determine intent off the dumb shit who assumed breaking into my home would be a safe endeavor? What’s that old Roman maxim: let he who is deceived be deceived. Wouldn’t Gump logic also conclude that stupid is as stupid does? I have me a gas siphoning problem. To send a message to deter this ass monkey I’m gonna put me a capacitor behind the cap and pit the wires through the top were when he grabs the cap to twist he’ll complete the circuit. Obviously a microwave capacitor would be lethal. I hope to one day meet a guy in a bar with an old war story of he thought he could steal a guys gas but instead got knocked stupid with no idea what hit him. I’ve got a garage door opener with a fried motherboard but a good sized cap in it. I set it up to get nice once. It was funny as shit but never killed one. My burglar should be ok. Maybe I’ll paint warning above the tank and hang a nice fat resistor next to the cap. I gotta discharge it safely myself right. I’ll find out just how clever he really is. And if I find a dead man near my truck I’ll switch out the cap then call animal control. You don’t steal from men. Men work hard for their shit. A perpetrator should know this. He will next time he comes for my gas
By Ellen Langsetmo July 14, 2021 - 11:43 am
I have been threatened in several attempts at several times by someone possessing a hammer by calling me trying to get in possibly and possibly trying to directly threatening me to buy drugs on several occasions. If some one ever tries that kind of crap on me again they will be very sorry and possibly dead and liable for any injuries or damage they may cause.enough is enough seriously.
By Ellen Langsetmo July 14, 2021 - 11:46 am
I have been threatened in several attempts at several times by someone possessing a hammer by calling me trying to get in possibly and possibly trying to directly threatening me to make me buy drugs on several occasions. If some one ever tries that kind of crap on me again they will be very sorry and possibly dead and liable for any injuries or damage they may cause.enough is enough seriously. All i am asking is that you be nice and quit trying to sell me drugs and let me have the kind of life i desire and want drug free and free from tyranny.
By john q public December 29, 2021 - 2:16 am
what can i say, claymores all the way. just kidding bidens FBI
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