How to Protect Your Digital Identity and Lock Down Your Sensitive Data

In mid 2012, Wired writer Mat Honan’s digital identity was obliterated by a teenage hacker. The culprit cracked his Google account and then started picking off each of his online accounts one-by-one until stopping at his Twitter account to spread offensive content. The hacker also remotely wiped Honan’s iPhone, Macbook, and iPad, leaving his work and personal life in a lurch.

The consequences of this kind of security breach are severe and many. You can read the whole story here.

Stories like this aren’t uncommon. And if someone as technologically inclined as a journalist for Wired magazine can get hacked, then so can you.

Since the stakes are so high when it comes to securing your identity online, we’re going to walk you through five simple steps to prevent your identity from being compromised online and minimize the damage if, against all odds, it is.

Step up Your Password Game With Complex Characters and Phrasing


The first thing you should do to ensure your digital security is start creating complex, unique passwords for each of your online accounts – the less pronounceable the better (go crazy with numbers and special characters when allowed). And ideally, each password should be longer than 10 characters.

Many individuals use the same simple password for all their accounts. This is a disaster waiting to happen, because after a hacker gets into one account, they can get into all the others instantaneously. For example, if your Gmail and online banking account have the same password, you’re going to be in serious trouble.

Using a different password for each account, and making each password long and complex, prevents hackers from getting a foothold.

Use a Password Manager to Keep Your Logins Straight


Of course, it’s not easy to keep up with several complex passwords in excess of 10 characters. And anyone with a Google, Facebook, and Twitter account would have three big passwords to remember right off the bat.

Thankfully, there’s a software solution to make the whole endeavor a little easier: it’s the password manager. Using a master password, these programs will catalog and secure the login info for every account you own, and most of them come with a browser plugin that allows you plug in any login on the fly while you browse.

There are a few different options when it comes to selecting a password manager, some paid some free. Here are a few of our favorites:

Password Box



Enable Two-Step Verification Wherever Possible

In the article chronicling the destruction of his online identity, Mat Honan speaks to the immense value of two-step verification.

“Had I used two-factor authentication for my Google account, it’s possible that none of this would have happened…” Honan says.

Two-step verification is essentially just an extra layer of identity verification. In instances where a remote login attempt is made, and in other circumstances as well, the user is prompted to not only enter the account’s login credentials but also a code generated via phone or text. Other identification factors are sometimes used in the process, but the result is the same: by adding an extra layer of personal verification, hackers get left out in the cold.

Don’t “Daisy-Chain” Your Online Accounts

As convenient as it may seem to connect all your social, email, and other online accounts, you’re better off resisting the temptation.

For the same reason you shouldn’t use the same password for all your accounts, likewise, you shouldn’t connect all your accounts through a login daisy-chain: once a hacker gets into one account, there’s nothing stopping them from getting into all your accounts.

Limit Your Exposure to Unnecessary Threats

This tip is somewhat obvious, but it’s important enough to bear repeating. Don’t expose yourself to unnecessary digital threats. Whether it be an email requesting personal information, a fishy social media message, or another questionable online interaction, keep it on the up-and-up and you’ll likely have far fewer problems.

You can get plenty of information on the best practices for keeping your identity safe at

Back Up Data Religiously, Just in Case

Although we have great confidence in the strategies outlined above, it’s important to protect your data regardless. Ending up like Wired writer Mat Honan – data wiped from all personal devices and locked out of all your accounts – can put an immediate hold on your life that isn’t easy to recover from.


Invest in an external HDD and start making regular backups of your system and all of its data. Also, make ample use of free cloud storage services, such as Google Drive and Dropbox.

There are plenty of options for making backups, both for backing up individual pieces of data as well as making bootable copies of your system. Mac users can use OSX’s native Time Machine software in addition to Super Duper to make bootable system backups. Windows users can find the same functionality in XXClone as well as the native Windows backup feature.

Wrapping up

With all these easy tips and tools for keeping your digital identity secure, there’s no excuse to continue allowing yourself to be exposed to hacking threats. Take what you’ve learned here and lock down your digital identity for good.

Photo credits:

1. Photo by Marc Falardeau

2. Photo via AgileBits

3. Photo by William Warby


Posted in Blog, Security Tips | 4 Comments

The Complete Guide to Commercial Locks

The demands of commercial locks and security hardware are quite different than those of their residential counterparts. The increased need for strength, logistical flexibility, and systematic security in a commercial setting demands that business owners and commercial locksmiths make use of specific types of hardware that the average Joe might not be familiar with.

Get a better understanding of the several types of commercial locks and learn the applications best suited to each by reading our brief guide.

Mortise Locks

Although their popularity dwindled slightly during the emergence of the bored cylindrical lock at the beginning of the 20th century, mortise locks have become much more popular for commercial and high end residential applications in recent years.


Mortise locks, which require a pocket – also known as a mortise – to be cut into the door for installation, are more difficult to install, but they provide strength and versatility far superior to cylindrical locks. Additionally, they provide a standard door lock and deadbolt all in one unit. This is one reason why they are found in commercial and high end applications.

In regard to strength, mortise locks are able to accept more robust parts due to their larger internal volume, which means they can stand up to more abuse than a normal bored cylindrical lock. Their versatility stems from the fact that they have a very high rate of compatibility and interchangeability between parts from several different manufacturers.

For long-term commercial applications where high levels of strength and security are needed, mortise locks are one of the best hardware options.

Lever Handle Locks

Lever handle locks are the run-of-the-mill locks that you’re likely to see on the interior of most local businesses. Due to their lack of brute strength, lever handle locks are best suited to applications that demand security from snooping customers or thieving employees rather than forced entry from a vandal or burglar.

IC Cylinder Locks

The “IC” in the name of this type of lock stands for “Interchangeable Core,” which means that rekeying and IC cylinder lock is quite simple – no disassembling of door hardware or lock internals necessary.


For businesses that experience high turnover, or simply for those who need the capacity to rekey at a moment’s notice, IC cylinder locks are a great solution.

Keyless Locks

As keyless technology becomes more prevalent, business owners are increasingly looking for ways to implement it for maximum convenience and security. There are a few variations in keyless systems and how they grant access.

Keyless locking systems can use a fob, numerical entry code, or biometric sensor to secure any commercial space. Most pieces of keyless hardware can be outfitted with a mechanical override as well.

Keyless systems are ideal for granting tiered access to specific areas and to staff with different levels of clearance. Although keyless systems are a little more costly than their purely mechanical counterparts, they’re one of the most highly customizable commercial lock options available.

Auxiliary Locks

Not all security needs have to do with doors and room access. There are several other instances in which security hardware should be in place to prevent a breach – filing cabinets, employee lockers, etc. Auxiliary locks can be custom fitted to accommodate any such need.

Electrified Locks

Electrified locks have the distinct feature of remote and automatic control. This presents three major benefits: They can be used as a fail-safe (unlock automatically during emergency), a fail-secure (lock automatically during emergency), or simply as a remotely monitored lock controlled from a central location. Most pieces of electrified hardware are paired with a mechanical override and a request to exit control contained within the area they secure.

Electrified locks come in several different varieties, including mortise and cylindrical. They’re most often used in office, stairwell, and hallway doors in order to make a commercial building safety and security code compliant.

Photo credits:

1. Photo by Stephen Schiller

2. Photo via Flickr

3. Photo via Flickr

4. Photo via Flickr

5. Photo via Flickr

Posted in Blog, Security Tips | 8 Comments

This is What You Get When You Hire the Cheapest Freelancer: a Story of Misguided Hiring and 6 Tips for Finding Quality Freelancers

When it comes to outsourcing work to freelancers, there’s no shortage of candidates. From large sites like Fivver, Elance, and Odesk to smaller job boards like Mediabistro and Problogger, there are thousands of freelancers on dozens of different channels chomping at the bit for you to bring them on-board. But where are you supposed to go to find the right one?

What’s more, there’s an assortment of different types of freelancers themselves. They vary wildly in price, experience, and overall quality. Even after you figure out where to look you’ve still got to choose what kind of freelancer you really want to work with.

Unfortunately, most companies gravitate toward lower end freelancers, the ones that work at dirt cheap rates and advertise their services on the bigger job boards. They think to themselves, What could go wrong? This is a simple job, and I’d rather have money in my pocket than hire some high-flying freelancer that charges twice as much. There’s no way the quality difference is that major. But they couldn’t be more wrong!

Legitimate freelancers know the reality of this situation all to well. Employers, on the other hand, usually have to get burned a few times before it starts sinking in.

Behoove yourself by reading the tale of one such incident in which we failed to understand the value in hiring a quality freelancer. You’ll get some valuable information on how to avoid our mistakes, and you’re bound to have a few good laughs when you see how bad the work was as well.

Our story

As a local Phoenix business, we had an interest in getting some professionally produced photographs of the area to use on our website, in our blog posts, and so forth. So we did what any small business with little knowledge of photography would do: we hired a freelance photographer.

Not knowing any better, we hired one of the first freelancers we found. At the outset of our business relationship with this individual, everything seemed fine. This was our first time hiring a freelancer, so we simply explained what were looking for, agreed on a price, and sent our newly employed freelancer off into the blistering Arizona heat to capture some images of the town.

Little did we know, the images our new friend was about to produce wouldn’t exceed the quality of those shot with a potato.

The deliverables

With high hopes and bated breath, we patiently awaited the delivery of our photos. Finally, the day arrived.

When we opened the first JPG, our mouths almost hit the floor. Our “photographer” hadn’t even gotten out of his car – in many cases hadn’t even stopped it – to take the photos we received. To make matters worse, this guy’s windshield probably hadn’t seen a drop of water for half a decade or more. It was covered in crud.


This first gem was taken in Scottsdale near the intersection of East Camelback and North Scottsdale roads.


Where should we start? First, although it’s tough to overlook the spots of dirt and dust on the windshield in conjunction with the horrible lighting and crooked composition, we can at least say that business shown on the left-hand side of the photo, Sprinkles, does have delicious cupcakes. Seriously, check them out. They’ve even got a cupcake ATM.

Aside from the cupcake factor, this image is practically useless.

After rolling through Scottsdale, our freelancer decided to soak up some of the local culture in Avondale. Below you can see the renowned Avondale Waffle House.


Now, this isn’t just any Waffle House. This is the only location of the franchise that is flanked by both a McDonald’s and one of Phoenix’s own S&S Tire and Auto Service Centers. We can totally see how this was an important landmark to document.

Next, you can see our freelancer’s idea of a dramatic action shot. To capture the urgency of this assignment, he decided to keep the car moving while capturing the image.


It only goes downhill from here, folks. Out of the dozens of laughably terrible images we received, not a single one was usable.

How to learn from our mistakes

Ok, so what’s the moral of this story? Well, there are actually a few:

Do your due diligence
No matter how trustworthy a freelancer, seems you shouldn’t just take them at face value. Do a little digging, investigate their portfolio, and see if they have any testimonials or previous clients you can consult. Anyone can talk a big game, but only the best have a proven track record.

Don’t be a cheapskate
Reliable freelancers who know their stuff command a certain premium. Getting stingy by snagging one of the cheapest candidates off a site like Odesk or Elance is almost always a gamble. Good freelancers know the work they do has value, and they aren’t going to work for pennies on the dollar.

Always use a contract
Nobody likes paperwork and legalese, but working with a contract is a must. Plus, the best freelancers are going to want to use a contract anyway. Having the project laid out on paper makes everybody’s life a little easier. The deliverables are defined, a concrete timeline is established, and terms of payment are set in stone. At no point should any of these three elements be open for interpretation, and that’s what your contract should prevent.

Where to find the good guys

So where do you turn to find a good freelancer? You now know what not to do, so let’s take a minute to discuss the best avenues for hiring.

Tap into your network of contacts
Ask any freelancer worth their salt where their best clients come from and they’re likely to say personal referrals. This is a two-way street. Many of the best freelancers are *found* through personal referrals too.

Freelancers found through personal recommendations from satisfied clients are almost always going to beat out candidates found through other methods.

Utilize Craigslist (with caution)
Ok, so you’re not going to totally avoid sub par freelancers by posting to Craigslist. You’re going to have to sort through some duds. However, you might be surprised to find that there are some really knowledgeable freelancers who check Craigslist postings quite frequently.

As long as you use a little discretion, there are plenty of capable freelancers to be found through Craigslist.

Post on niche-specific job boards
One of the main problems with massive sites like Elance and Odesk is that they’re packed to the gills with low-end candidates that you’ll have to sift through to get to the good guys. Good freelancers can be found on these sites, but you’ll have to be diligent.

You’ll find a higher concentration of quality pros on niche sites that are specific to their respective skill sets.

Great writers, for example, are more likely to be found on or Likewise, there are plenty of exceptional designers frequenting the pages of 99Designs and Smashing Jobs.

Tying it all together

We hope that these tips keep you from ever having to experience the frustration of dealing with a bad freelancer. Now that you’ve heard our cautionary tale and gotten the rundown on the right way to hire a freelancer, go forth and outsource with confidence.

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Survey Results: Revealing Attitudes on Security

What do we think about crime? How safe do we feel? Do our habits reflect how safe we feel? We hoped to answer some of these questions through our recent survey on security habits.

After retrieving and analyzing the survey data, we were able to uncover some interesting statistics. Although we must be careful not to draw any hasty conclusions with our results, we think you’ll find the results to be fascinating.

1. 50% of respondents indicated that the national rate of crime is continuing to rise, even though national statistics indicate otherwise.

According to the Christian Science Monitor, the U.S. crime rate has slowly declined over the past three decades. However, despite this glaring fact, most people still believe that the crime rate is rising. Our survey participants mirrored this phenomenon in their responses.


The reason for this discrepancy isn’t well understood, but scholars have speculated as to why the public continues to fear crime despite its decline. Specifically, mass communication researchers George Gerbner and Larry Gross developed an academic theory called Cultivation Theory, which posits that continuous media coverage of crime and violence has the power to alter the public’s perception of safety for the worse. In fact, they even coined the term “mean world syndrome” to describe the feelings of fright and distrust caused by portrayal of crime and violence on TV.

Several studies have been conducted to test the efficacy of Cultivation Theory, the most notable of which showed a positive correlation between attention payed to local crime reporting and feelings of fear in viewers.

2. Door locking is on the rise.

We’ve all heard of the small, rural towns where everyone is considered trustworthy and nobody ever locks their doors. But our results indicate that those havens of trust are slowly fading away.


Respondents indicated that they feel quite safe at home and at work, but they lock their doors religiously.

3. Very few respondents indicated use of an automated home security system.


Although most respondents indicated that they lock their home and car doors regularly, very few indicated the use of a home security system. This seems to indicate a threshold where the thoroughness of home security habits begin to taper off – most people are willing to invest the time and effort to lock their doors, but not to install a security system.

4. Over 1/2 of respondents do not secure their valuables in a safe or lock box, and over 1/3 of gun owners surveyed do not own a safe or lock box.


Although most individuals have valuables, sensitive documents, or firearms that need to be locked away, it seems that many of them aren’t worried about keeping them out of the wrong hands. Roughly 45% of our entire sample group answered “yes” to owning a safe or lock box, meaning over half of individuals surveyed are leaving their possessions unsecured.

What’s more, 35% of the gun owners in our sample group indicated that they do not own a safe or lock box. This leads us to believe that they may be leaving their firearms out in the open, accessible to intruders and family members. Granted, there are other ways of securing a firearm, such as an individual gun lock, which these respondents could be using. However, nothing is safer than fully enclosing your firearm in a safe or lock box.

5. On the whole, respondents’ expectations for 911 response times almost exactly match the national average.

According to the Wall Street Journal, the national average 911 response time, as of 2013, was around 11 minutes. Considering the typical discrepancy between public perception and reality, we anticipated respondents to answer either much lower or higher when asked about what they believe the national average 911 response time to be.


We were shocked once again when we found that over 40% of our respondents indicated expectations of a 10-minute national 911 response time.

Survey Notes

Data was collected from 112 US consumers via an online survey created by Survey Monkey and administered through Amazon Mechanical Turk. The survey was conducted with a confidence level of 95% and a 10% margin of error. Survey participants were compensated for completing the survey, and a platform with a broad demographic user base was used to reduce self-selection bias (In simple terms, survey respondents represented a diverse group of individuals). To maintain data integrity, the sponsoring company and survey purpose were not disclosed to respondents.

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5 Must-See Phoenix Breweries for Craft Beer Enthusiasts

The greater Phoenix area is a wonderland for craft beer enthusiasts. With several high quality breweries within city limits and even more great brews within easy driving distance, Phoenix has several must-see spots for great beer.

Check out some of Phoenix’s favorite breweries, and plan a visit using the interactive map at the end of the post.

Old World Brewery

You can tell that beer is Old World’s business when you step into their no-nonsense brewery off Interstate 17. The brewery is open 11am-7pm Monday through Saturday, and visitors can enjoy full pints of any Old World brew, fill up a growler, or sample a tasting flight.

As of 06/09/2014, Old World Brewery is offering a great deal through Yelp that allows visitors to pay just $12 for a $25 brewery voucher. Check out there deal here, and visit the Old World website at httpsssss://

Four Peaks Brewing Company

Four Peaks actually has four locations in the Phoenix area – two full-service pubs (one in Tempe, the other in Scottsdale), a brewery tasting room, and a miniature pub in the Sky Harbor International Airport.

four_peaks_brewingPhoto via Four Peaks Brewing Company

With so many locations, you’ll have no trouble getting to taste Four Peaks’ legendary oatmeal stout. Learn more about their brews at httpsssss://

Papago Brewing

If variety is your priority (and if you don’t think of yourself as an indecisive person), Papago Brewing is the place to be. With a 30-tap bar that rotates daily and a brewery restaurant with a full menu, Papago is must-see for beer enthusiasts and foodies alike.

Check out Papago’s brew list and restaurant menu at httpsssss://

Fate Brewing Company

The Fate Brewery has one major advantage over all the others on the list: pizza. Aside from an array of micro brewed beers, the Fate tasting room serves top-notch wood-fired pizzas. Craft beer and artisan pizza – is there a better combination than that?

fate_brewingPhoto via Fate Brewing Company

Fate keeps several favorites on tap consistently, but they also rotate their brews on a regular basis with small batch beers of various kinds, some traditional and some experimental.

For a full list of brews and pies, visit their website at httpsssss://

Arizona Wilderness Brewing Company

A short drive from downtown Phoenix in Gilbert, Arizona Wilderness Brewing is definitely worth the drive. As Gilbert’s first brewery, Arizona Wilderness is going strong producing craft beer brewed with care.

Learn more about the many delicious brews by Arizona Wilderness at httpsssss://

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The Best Burger Joints of Phoenix, AZ

Nothing beats a good burger. But even though you’d think something as simple as a good burger would be easy to find, it’s surprisingly elusive. In a world full of mediocre McDonald’s patties and preformed chain-restaurant travesties, finding a genuinely delicious burger isn’t easy.

Thankfully, Phoenix has several restaurants that are breaking the mold and turning out delicious burgers for discerning eaters.

So plan a trip to one of our favorite Phoenix burger spots, and use the interactive map at the end of the post to guide your way. We guarantee you won’t be sorry.

Relish Burger Bistro at the Phoenician

Be careful, one of Arizona’s largest tequila collections combined with artisan kobe beef burgers make it all too easy to fall into a vicious cycle of margarita to burger and back again at the Relish Burger Bistro. This spot is tucked in upper level of the Phoenician golf course club house, and it’s easily one of the best casual dining experiences in Scottsdale.

 Antonia-Burger_the_phoenicianPhoto via The Phoenician

Get a full rundown on Relish Burger Bistro at httpsssss://

Rehab Burger Therapy

Don’t worry, this spot provides rehab with burgers, not rehab from burgers. Although you may need the latter once you get hooked on Rehab Burger Therapy’s fantastic grub.

The Hangover Burger is a personal favorite. With bacon, Colby Jack cheese, Hatch Green chiles, and a fried egg on top, it’s perfect whether you’re nursing a cocktail flu or not.

If burgers aren’t your thing, there are plenty of salads, entrees, and appetizers to suit your taste.

Check out a full menu at httpsssss://


Delux is likely to be one of the only establishments where you’ll find great burgers and killer sushi. Plus, Delux uses ultra premium, humanely raised, and free-range beef from Niman Ranch in all of their burger offerings, so you can feel good about supporting ethical and sustainable farming practices.

Check out Delux at httpsssss://

Lenny’s Burger Shop

With locations in downtown Phoenix, Glendale, Mesa, and Peoria, Lenny’s is never far away when you’re in Phoenix.

lennys_burger_phoenixPhoto via Lenny’s Burger Shop

After reading about hip, upscale spots like Delux and the Relish Burger Bistro, you might be tempted to dismiss a small chain like Lenny’s as commonplace, but you shouldn’t! Lenny’s holds its own among the rest of Phoenix’s burger spots with phenomenal burgers, shakes, and fries.

Learn more about Lenny’s at httpsssss://

Paradise Valley Burger Company

Paradise Valley Burger Company turns out high-end burgers without the high-end prices. Gourmet toppings and condiments, such as Fresno chile pesto, Jalapeño ranch, and smoked mozzarella, set this spot apart from the rest.

Get a look at the full Paradise Valley menu at httpsssss://

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Don’t Miss These Must-See Kids’ Attractions in Phoenix

Traveling with children is a challenge. Finding food, entertainment, and other attractions can be difficult when you’re planning to bring along the kids. And keeping them occupied during the trip is a trying task on its own.

Regardless of their temperament, every child needs some special time during their vacation to explore attractions geared specifically to their age group.

Thankfully, most travel destinations have a wide array of kid-centered attractions that adults can enjoy too. In fact, Phoenix stands out from other major cities with its many child-friendly attractions.

If you plan to pass through Phoenix with your child, be sure to check out these fantastic attractions.

Arizona Science Center

Hours: Open all week, 10am-5pm
Cost: Children 3-17 $11.95, Adults $16.95, Seniors $14.95
Ages: 3+
Fascinating exhibits and engaging activities make this spot a perfect place for a family outing. Adults and kids alike will thoroughly enjoy everything the Arizona Science Center has to offer. Permanent interactive exhibits cover topics including the human brain, renewable energy, nanotechnology, and the human body.

arizona_science_centerPhoto via Arizona Science Center

Featured exhibitions rotate every 3-4 months, and the center’s IMAX and planetarium theaters are always playing an assortment of thrilling features.

For up-to-date exhibit and attraction info, visit httpsssss://

Musical Instrument Museum

Hours: Monday-Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 10am-5pm
Cost: General $18, Teens (13-19) $14, Children (4-12) $10, FREE for children 3 and under
Ages: All ages

As the world’s only global collection of musical instruments, the Musical Instrument Museum is a must-see for anyone visiting Phoenix. The museum’s permanent collection includes instruments from a myriad of countries and time periods, and visitors are even allowed to try their hand at making music by interacting with select exhibits.

Learn more at httpsssss://

Skyzone Indoor Trampoline Park

Hours: Monday-Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday 10am-10pm, Sunday, 10am-8pm
Cost: Varies, visit website here
Ages: 3+

skyzone_trampoline_parkPhoto via Flickr

Practically any child would jump at the chance to hop through a room full of trampolines. It’s a pretty safe bet. Located outside of Phoenix in Peoria, the Skyzone Trampoline Park lets kids do just that.

Plan your visit at httpsssss://

Children’s Museum of Phoenix

Hours: Open all week, 9am-4pm
Cost: $11 for non-members, free for children under the age of 1
Ages: All ages
Located in the heart of Phoenix, the city’s renowned children’s museum provides kids with hands on activities that allow them to build, explore, and play while learning new facts and skills. Exhibits and activities rotate, but there is always something exciting waiting.

Get current information on exhibits and activities at httpsssss://

Butterfly Wonderland

Hours: Open all week, 9am-5pm
Cost: Adults $18.95, Children (3-11) $9.95 , Students, Military, and Seniors $16.95
Kids and adults of all ages will enjoy Butterfly Wonderland. Through an assortment of galleries and enclosures, you can experience gorgeous butterflies first hand. Visitors can also witness a large honeybee colony enclosed in glass, as well as an enormous colony of harvester ants.

Butterfly Wonderland threechildrenPhoto via Butterfly Wonderland

Find out more by visiting httpsssss://

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Phoenix’s 5 Best Coffee Shops

Home to super hip cafes and relaxed coffee bars, Phoenix has a shop to fit any coffee drinker’s personality and preference. And despite their differences, the top coffee shops of the greater Phoenix area are each uniquely superb.

coffee_beansPhoto via Flickr

Use this compilation of our top five favorite spots to get caffeinated, and use the interactive map at the end of the post to find your way to a great cup.

Cartel Coffee Lab

A true second-wave coffee haven, Cartel Coffee Lab puts out some of the highest quality beans and brews in the city. Celebrity visits from Joseph Gordon Levitt and Adrian Grenier testify to the stature of this shop in the coffee community. With six locations scattered across the greater Phoenix area, a cup of incredible Cartel coffee is never far away.

Learn what Cartel Coffee Lab is all about by visiting them on the web at httpsssss://


Lux is more than just a great coffee bar. In addition to top notch coffee, customers can enjoy artfully crafted cocktails, craft beer, and fine wine alongside a full restaurant menu – breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Lux is known as a bit of a hipster hotspot, so be prepared to face a slightly more intimidating crowd than you would elsewhere. But don’t let that scare you away; Lux is more than worthy of your patronage, regardless of your hipness or lack thereof.

Check out what Lux has to offer, and keep them in mind for your next cup!


With the tamest atmosphere of all five shops on the list, Lola is a great choice for freelancers and telecommuters looking for a spot to hunker down and knock out some work. Free wifi and plenty of workspace come as an added bonus.

And there’s more to Lola than just the pleasant atmosphere. Owner and artisan roaster Daniel Wayne turns out exceptional beverages made with organic, fair-trade beans – guaranteed to be roasted fresh. For those looking for something a little lighter, a melange of teas are included in the regular menu.

Get to know Lola a little better by visiting their website at httpsssss://

Press Coffee Roasters

As the embodied dream of a local Phoenix journalist, Press Coffee Roasters roasts single origin and house blends daily for distribution in their two locations, one at the Scottsdale Quarter and the other in the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport. Whether you’re on your way into Phoenix or on your way out, Press Coffee is always close by.

press_coffeePhoto via Press Coffee Roasters

Free tastings led by professionally trained baristas are held at the Scottsdale location, and the Press roastery is open for scheduled tours. Get more information at httpsssss://

Songbird Coffee & Tea House

Songbird Coffee & Tea House sources top-notch blends and single origin beans from local Tempe roaster Cortez Coffee Roasters. Locally baked pastries and deserts push Songbird up and over the top; the olive oil lemon cake is especially delectable.

The Songbird menu does rotate, but you can get a pretty good idea of their wares by checking out their website at httpsssss://

Posted in Things to Do | 1 Comment

5 Smart Locks to Streamline Your Home Security

The future is now. Although the idea of smart, automated residential locking systems sounded a bit outlandish five or six years ago, the trend of home automation is bringing the first round of electronic “smart locks” to the market. Several companies have already researched and developed locking systems with an array of futuristic features like smartphone integration and wireless locking.

Have a look at some of the most modern locking systems ever to grace an entryway. The convenience is enticing!

Goji Smart Lock

Goji_Smart_Lock_front_viewPhoto via Goji

Advanced smart phone integration and extensive automation make Goji a frontrunner in the new league of smart locks. In addition to wifi and bluetooth functionality, Goji provides programmable fobs that can be given to guests or children without a phone of their own.

One of Goji’s standout features is its ability to photograph visitors when they come to the door. When the doorbell is rung, Goji automatically takes a photo of the guest and forwards it to your smartphone.

Another one of Goji’s special features involves granting guest access. Goji users can grant access to friends, family, and other houseguests simply by sending a text to each guest’s phone. What’s more, access can be restricted by date and time, so there’s no more concern about loaning and retrieving keys. And for guests like dog walkers or housekeepers, access can be restricted to certain hours of the day – a standout feature not offered by any other system.


By far the most affordable smart lock option, coming in at $179, the Lockitron is a recently crowd funded project that promises the latest security technology at a reasonable price point.

lockitron-unitPhoto via Lockitron

Lockitron includes many of the main features offered by Goji, such as hands-free entry and the ability to grant guest access via email or text, at a much lower price. Plus, those with programming knowledge can tinker with the Lockitron API to customize the device to their heart’s content.


simplickeyPhoto via Simplickey

For those who aren’t quite ready to give up their traditional lock and key, Simplickey provides modern smart lock functionality along with conventional sensibility. In addition to a wireless deadbolt, homeowners have a keypad and standard key to use as backup methods of entry.

Kwikset Kevo

Kevo_kwiksetPhoto via Kwikset

Similar to the Lockitron and Goji systems, Kwikset’s Kevo has smartphone integration and wireless entry. However, it’s the simplicity of use that sets this big name brand’s offering apart. Homeowners simply carry their smartphone or fob on their person while only having to touch the Kevo with a finger to enter their home.

AT&T Digital Life Door Lock

For existing AT&T customers, the Digital Life Door Lock system is a convenient addition to any existing wireless plan. Many more features are included with AT&T’s Digital Life system than the normal smart lock, but they come at a cost. For a one-time installation fee and $39.99 monthly payment, AT&T customers receive a full security and home safety monitoring system along with their smart door lock.

Get a look at the full AT&T Digital Life system in the video below.

Those without pre-existing AT&T plans, or those who are interested in installing just a smart lock with no other home automation services, may want to look elsewhere. The cost of installation and monthly billing makes this choice slightly less attractive than the rest.

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5 Celebrities With Homes in Arizona

Los Angeles is without a doubt the first place that comes to mind when we imagine where our favorite stars and celebrities might live. And it makes perfect sense that we would think that. After all, many of the famous studios and production companies that make our favorite films and television shows possible reside in the LA area. And although many celebrities spend a great deal of time in California, dozens of stars take up residence outside the city, in places all over the world. After all, why live in town when you can just grab a private jet to work?

Out of all the fabulous locales in the world, several of America’s famous figures and entertainers have chosen the desert land of Arizona as their home. Read on to find out exactly who they are.

Stephanie Meyer

stephenie_meyerPhoto via Wikimedia Commons

World renowned for her authorship of the Twilight series, Stephanie Meyer has a home tucked away in Cave Creek, Arizona. A modest four-bedroom adobe, Meyer’s home shows few signs of fame and fortune. However, she has increased the home’s security features since her rise to stardom.

Danica Patrick

In the Phoenix suburb of Scottsdale, NACSAR driver Danica Patrick maintains a modern desert abode. According to local NBC news in the San Francisco Bay Area, the only thing more luxurious than her home is the vehicles parked in its garage.

Bret Michaels

Bret Michaels, another Scottsdale resident, also decided to hide away in a Southwestern retreat. His home is richly furnished and outfitted with luxurious features. Check out the video below to get a closer look.

John McCain

2008 presidential candidate John McCain has actually owned several homes across Arizona. In fact, McCain has been known to broker high-end real estate all over the country. To get a peek at McCain’s Sedona estate, visit Celebrity House Pictures for an aerial view.

Wayne Gretzky

Thought by many to be the most skilled hockey player in the history of the sport, Wayne Gretzky decided to take a break from the ice by moving to the desert. His abode lies just outside of Phoenix in the heart of Scottsdale. For hockey fans passing through the area, a drive down East Camelback Road will take you right by Gretzky’s home.

As you can see, Phoenix attracts an eclectic group of celebrities, from politician to hockey hall of famer. Dozens of other notable people from various fields, professions, and disciplines have also called Arizona their home. To learn more about Arizona’s famous citizens and natives, have a look through this definitive list.

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